Winnipeg, Manitoba Funeral Homes
Canada Floral Delivery, as a service to our customers, has compiled a listing of Funeral Homes in Winnipeg, Manitoba. We strive to keep this listing as up to date as possible, however if we have missed something please do not hesitate to contact us and we will update the listing. Contact Us
984 Portage Ave Winnipeg Manitoba R3G 0R6 Phone: (204) 949-2200 |
724 Selkirk Ave Winnipeg Manitoba R2W 2NC Phone: (204) 586-7700 |
2157 Portage Avenue Winnipeg Manitoba R3J 0L4 Phone: (204) 897-4665 |
931 Minto St Winnipeg Manitoba R3G 2R7 Phone: (204) 786-1694 |
843 Sherbrook St Winnipeg Manitoba R3A 1M6 Phone: (204) 774-7474 |
4000 Portage Ave Winnipeg Manitoba R3K 0V7 Phone: (204) 885-9715 |
156 Marion St Winnipeg Manitoba R2H 0T4 Phone: (204) 949-4864 |
1442 Main St Winnipeg Manitoba R2W 3V7 Phone: (204) 586-8044 |
357 Des Meurons St Winnipeg Manitoba R2H 2N6 Phone: (204) 233-4949 |
1291 McGillivray Blvd Winnipeg Manitoba R3T 5Y4 Phone: (204) 925-1120 |
1291 McGillivray Blvd Winnipeg Manitoba R3T 5Y4 Phone: (204) 925-1120 |
455 Lagimodiere Blvd Winnipeg Manitoba R2J 1C2 Phone: (204) 982-7550 |
No 1 Hwy E & Navin Winnipeg Manitoba R2C 2Z3 Phone: (204) 222-3241 |
669 Broadway At Furby Winnipeg Manitoba R3C 0X4 Phone: (204) 943-6688 |
1897 Henderson Hwy Winnipeg Manitoba R2G 1P4 Phone: (204) 338-0331 |
907 Main St Winnipeg Manitoba R2W 3P2 Phone: (204) 956-2193 |
1858 Portage Ave Winnipeg Manitoba R3J 0G9 Phone: (204) 949-4872 |
669 Broadway At Furby Winnipeg Manitoba R3C 0X4 Phone: (204) 783-7211 |
220 Hespeler Avenue Winnipeg Manitoba R2L 0L4 Phone: (204) 668-3151 |
447 Selkirk Ave Winnipeg Manitoba R2W 2M4 Phone: (204) 582-0929 |
The above information provided by Canada Floral Delivery with local and worldwide flower delivery
| Memorial| Funeral | Chapels |
| Crematorium | Directors |